New Church Development in Egypt - March 2021 Update

A Pastor with a Mission Heart

Pastor Manassa Nesem Sadek graduated from the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo (ETSC) in 2008. As a student, Manassa’s heart was captured by the mission classes that he took. Then ETSC arranged for him and another student to do a mission internship, twice, in Sudan. Traveling throughout Sudan and South Sudan, preaching, teaching, and encouraging the churches there, was deeply impactful to him.

Upon graduation, Manassa received a call to be the pastor of the village church of Al Tayeba, located in Minia Province, about 150 miles south of Cairo, and quickly led his congregation to be missional. He discipled many young people in mission, evangelism, and church planting, and within a short time, the congregation had planted three new churches in other villages in the nearby desert.

Manassa’s congregation began offering literacy classes and health care to the needy in the community. Manassa and his congregation are helping the village of Tayeba and other small villages greatly during the pandemic by providing medication, oxygen tanks, masks, sanitizers, and food supplies for the poor.

God has blessed all these efforts and the church is growing, with now more than 600 worshiping on Sunday, along with fellowship and discipleship groups for all ages. Outreach to hospitals and orphanages has been organized, as well as to other fields such Iraq, Libya, and Europe. Because of his active ministry, Rev. Manassa was appointed by his presbytery to be the head of their Pastoral and Outreach Ministries Committee. Now, he is investing in ministry not only for his local church but in the whole presbytery. He helps other churches that need revitalization and encourages them to also plant churches in new areas. We praise God for young pastors like Manassa who carry the vision of spreading the Gospel and building Christ’s Kingdom!

Grace and peace,

Dr. Tharwat Wahba
Egypt Mission Consultant for The Outreach Foundation
Professor of Mission, Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo

Read more about New Church Development in Egypt HERE.

 The Outreach Foundation works closely with the Pastoral and Outreach Ministries Council of the Synod of the Nile which has identified three areas in which God is calling the church to pursue outreach: 1) revitalization of village churches, some of them centuries old and primarily in Upper Egypt, 2) planting new churches in urban suburbs, and 3) planting new churches in the new “satellite” cities. The Council works very closely with the seminary in Cairo which is producing excellent students who are called and equipped for ministry in a remarkable season for the church’s mission.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking $7,000 a month to support the planting/revitalization of Presbyterian churches in Egypt. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.