The Tete Province Clinic Has Officially Opened - Praise the Lord!

Dear friends of Tete Province,

I am overjoyed to report that our health clinic in Tete Province has been officially opened! I received word from Sebber. She was there in person and was able to get some photos. Sebber is wearing a blue coat, and the Head District Commissioner in Tete Province is in red. Sebber said, "Clinic finally opened. We give all the Glory to God Almighty."

The new health clinic is in the rural village of Madzimaera. We have built a school and a church in this village and drilled a well. This clinic is about an hour's drive by vehicle to the nearest hospital in the border town of Zobue. Transportation to the hospital would be a formidable problem for the villagers who live around this clinic. There are no cars and most villagers travel by walking and a few bicycles. The staff of the clinic will be the following: the health assistant/clinic officer, a general nurse, a midwife, and a general technician. They will treat all but the most serious injuries and diseases and life-threatening maternal deliveries. There is a triplex that will house the staff. Lighting and electricity will be provided by solar panels and 12-volt batteries. 

We received the following letter from Rev. Jeff Hosmer, North Lake Presbyterian Church:

Psalm 103:1–3,22  (NRSV)

1     Bless the LORD, O my soul,
and all that is within me,
bless his holy name.
2     Bless the LORD, O my soul,
and do not forget all his benefits—
3     who forgives all your iniquity,
who heals all your diseases …
22   Bless the LORD, all his works,
in all places of his dominion.
Bless the LORD, O my soul.

Dear Berry and All:

My heart rejoices at this great news of the clinic opening in Madzimaera. In God’s timing, let the healing begin. Now shall many declare that the Lord “heals all your diseases” and bless his holy name.

In His love,

Rev. Dr. Jeffrey A. Hosmer
Senior Pastor
North Lake Presbyterian Church
Lady Lake, FL 

***We received a wonderful gift from North Lake Presbyterian Church in January 2018 for a health clinic in Tete Province. They raised it as their Advent Season mission focus. There were lots of slowdowns in the construction for government add ons and their final punch lists. We celebrated the construction completion with a visit from North Lake which included Jeff and Bobbi Hosmer and Marilyn Borst, Outreach Associate Director for Mission, in June 2019. Between government delays and COVID, it took another year for the clinic to officially open. 

Meanwhile, the North Lake congregation continued to support Tete with monthly gifts and patiently waited for this day. As a matter of fact, North Lake has been supporting Outreach projects since 1997!. What faithful, long-time partners!  


Berry Long, Outreach trustee

Read more about the Holistic Evangelism in Tete Province, Mozambique partnership HERE.