Syria Lebanon Partnership - February 2021 Update

Children of the World

On several visits to Aleppo during the war, my teams and I would be taken across the street from the Presbyterian Church and shown through a dingy old apartment for which the congregation had a shining vision: open a clinic where low-cost healthcare could be provided to the neighborhood, regardless of the ability of someone to pay the fees. It seemed like a longshot, given the realities of the war and depressed economy of Syria, but Outreach supplied some funds to help its startup. Despite our doubts, God has blessed this ministry and it is now running at “full throttle” and providing hope and healing in Christ’s name! The faces here are some of those who have been served at the Children of the Word Medical Center.

Visit the clinic yourself via this short video:

Recently, the Rev Joseph Kassab, General Secretary of the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon shared an assessment of this now vital ministry…

At the beginning of 2021, and with the world under the stress that comes from COVID-19 and other evolving problems, we are called to cling to our partnership to serve Christ among the poor and the lowly.

The tragic healthcare conditions that Syrians are experiencing prevail because of the war and its ramifications. This war destroyed most of the infrastructure of the hospitals and medical centers, especially in Aleppo governorate. Consequently, the Synod was prompted to imitate Christ, not only in preaching the kingdom of God but also to adhere to his healing ministry when he toured doing good works and curing diseases.

A flat was purchased across from the Aleppo Church. It was renovated and equipped with the support of several partners and the commitment of our pastor in Aleppo, the Rev. Ibrahim Nseir, and his congregation, to reach out to the sick and the many needy people in Aleppo.

The last six months proved the importance of the Center’s Christian healing ministry and its medical services due to the vast needs for healthcare services. Today, we need to sustain the continuity and progress of the Center to reach out to a larger number of needy sick people with special attention to women and children.

This project is a great channel for our Church in Aleppo to communicate the love of Christ to all people in need without exception.

Marilyn Borst
Associate Director for Partnership Development

Read more about the Syria Lebanon Partnership HERE.

The Outreach Foundation gives thanks to God that you continue on this journey with us alongside the faithful, witnessing Church in Syria, especially now that peace is being restored, even as the needs of families and the Church’s ministries continue. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.