Clean Drinking Water in Kenya - Update

The Outreach Foundation and the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA), along with various local churches, have been partnering to provide clean drinking water in Kenya. Much of this work has concentrated on Maasai households in the Loodokilani Mission Area. The work provides water tanks to families and boreholes in communities.

The PCEA Women’s Water Tank Project in Loodokilani Mission Area was initiated by Presbyterian women in 2015 in partnership with The Outreach Foundation. This project is a wonderful mission agent, bringing many Maasai to Christianity through the Presbyterian Church in Kajiado West Sub-County.

The focus of the project is to address the acute need for water in the Maasai community. Through this project, 441 water tanks have been distributed to Maasai households (88% of the targeted 500 households). The Presbyterian women, Maasai families (the beneficiaries of the project) and PCEA Loodokilani Mission Area thank Outreach and U.S. Presbyterians for the generous financial support that has led to the success of the initiative. Details of this mission have been highlighted by the Kajiado County Press, a local newspaper.

Having a water tank minimizes the need for women to walk long distances to obtain water. Often children are unable to go to school because they must help their mothers carry the water. These families are also able to support vegetable gardens with the water. This mission is a wonderful representation of Christian love to these Maasai families and communities.

Borehole Construction
Our partnership has facilitated several borehole projects that provide water to 5,000 Maasai families and their livestock and serve schools and rescue centers and the surrounding communities.

With your continued support, we plan to expand these water projects to other remote areas within Loodokilani,

Rev. Charles Maina
PCEA Loodokilani Mission Area

Read more about Clean Drinking Water in Kenya HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts totaling $10,000 for gutters and tanks – $2,500 per site. Make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.
