Girls' Education and Rescue Centers/Linda's Libraries-August 2019 Update


Dear friends,

Several years ago, we partnered with Books for Development, a great organization in Houston that collects and sends books to needy schools and organizations. They have sent us two containers of books which have filled the shelves of two Linda’s Libraries and will fill two more we are constructing this year.

Thogoto Primary Library is one of our first primary school libraries and we are very happy with the outcome. We previously had a relationship with this school because we provided computers for their computer lab, which is now part of the new library. Our second primary school library is in Shalom Academy.

We have changed our library strategy slightly. We are still building Linda’s Libraries, two more this year, but we are also building smaller libraries at primary schools like Thogoto and Shalom. We will now use existing buildings and the schools will be responsible for the bookcases, tables, and chairs. We will place and organize books. We plan to do two more primary school libraries this year. At the Shalom dedication, the director said that these books will open up new worlds for the children, improve their English and their grades. There are currently 500 children studying at Shalom.

In the large high schools, we place about 1,200 books in each Linda’s Library. The smaller libraries will have about 800 books. The fourth Linda’s Library will be located in Imbirakani Girls’ High School and is almost finished. Books and furniture will be placed soon.

Dana Gary is with Books for Development and works with us obtaining books and training the school’s staff. She comes to Kenya at least once a year. She helped set up Grace Girls’ High School Library and assisted in training at Ngeche Girls’ High School Library. We really appreciate Dana and the help we are receiving from Books for Development.

My grandchildren Sophie and Jacob were with us in Kenya this summer and helped me place books. It was a very rewarding experience to work alongside my own grandchildren!

Libraries take education to a new level and expose children to new worlds. Blessings to you all, who make our ministry here possible.

Stu and Annie Ross
East Africa Mission Consultants

Read more about Girls’ Education and Rescue Centers in Kenya HERE.

Read more about East Africa Mission Consultants Stu and Annie Ross HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts totaling $70,000 for more classrooms and dormitories and $10,000 for scholarships to pay for the girls’ boarding and education. Make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.