Posts tagged Michael and Rachel Weller
Michael and Rachel Weller - June 2020 Update

Dear friends,

I trust that you and your loved ones are healthy and that the Outreach staff has adjusted to the challenges and limitations of promoting global mission during this season of life with COVID-19. Rachel and I are living in Norfolk, VA with our daughter.

We continue as mission co-workers for the Presbyterian Mission Agency. We participate in weekly meetings with our fellow mission co-workers. One of the conversation points that came up was how will PCUSA decide when to redeploy us. Africa is at the beginning point of this pandemic and World Mission will need to interpret the situation and develop the criteria for sending mission staff back.

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Michael and Rachel Weller - January 2019 Update

Dear friends and supporters,

Yes, it’s been too long! We've been to the States and back, maybe a couple times since we wrote last. We were there briefly a year ago for the wedding of our son, Thomas, and to meet our newest grandson (Brian's third). And then we were there in the summer for about three months for Interpretation Assignment.

Politically, a lot has happened in Ethiopia in the past two years. The good news is that a new Prime Minister was appointed in March. Dr. Abiy Ahmed is a committed Christian, having learned the faith through the witness of his mother, a member of our partner church, EECMY. His father is a Muslim. Dr. Abiy is the first Oromo Prime Minister, though the Oromo are the largest single ethnic group in Ethiopia. Most importantly, Dr. Abiy is a man of peace and unity. He spent his first months visiting each region and pointing out how each ethnic group in the country is a part of Ethiopia. He asked people to forgive each other and to work towards building peace.

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Michael and Rachel Weller - September 2017 Update

Dear friends,

I know it’s been a long time since I’ve written. Truth: We’ve been arguing about who is going to write this one. Since February, Michael has been officially “only a teacher.” I think that means he has time to write a newsletter. He doesn’t think he has anything to say! So, we argue (silently) instead of write.

We’ve been mostly together since February, a significant life-change for us. A good change. Michael spent the winter and spring months (northern hemisphere – we don’t have those seasons here) “just teaching” at the two EECMY Bible Schools in Gambella. He learned a lot in those months. Neither school is functioning at top quality. Most of the students are not prepared to be studying at the level in which they are studying. He was teaching in English; many of the students cannot understand simple English. He learned that he speaks “difficult English.” He also learned that people do a lot of comparing of the two of us – especially in our ability to communicate. He hasn’t been living in Gambella as much as I have and so hears a lot less Nuer than I do and speaks it less than I do. Africans have no taboo against saying, “She is much better than you are.” Being “just a teacher” has proven to be more difficult than he imagined.

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Michael and Rachel Weller (PCUSA) - March 2016 Update

Fasting is a common practice in Ethiopian Christian communities. Many churches designate one day a week to gather at the church or someone’s house to focus on prayer. They go without eating or drinking all day. The Jabjabe congregation in Gambella practices this discipline every Friday. I was invited to participate with the members of the Jabjabe congregation, a new church with an active membership. At 7:30 a.m. my companion came to my door to escort me to the church. 

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Michael and Rachel Weller - June 2013 Update


Micah 6:8 is a verse I have been thinking about a lot over the past several years.

What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

There are a lot of things to say with that verse as a theme, but I won’t bore (or amuse) you with my amateur theology. This verse, however, has been a guide to much of what I have chosen to do. This week I was faced with a situation. It has not disappeared, of course. I am still in a dilemma

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