Help for South Sudanese Refugees

“Where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1-2

South Sudanese refugees, in the camps of Ethiopia and Kenya, are struggling to survive, where living conditions are crowded, UN agencies are underfunded, PPE is at a premium, and people are hungry. But what is so amazing about this situation is that the church leaders in the camps are describing an even deeper hunger - for God’s Word. They seem to truly understand the ultimate Source of Help.  We, at The Outreach Foundation, are eager to help them meet this priority need. Through our past involvement in trauma healing, literacy training, and Bible distribution, we now have learned of an opportunity to ship a container of 5,000 Bibles in the Nuer language to the refugees! The Bibles cost $7.00 each. We have already raised $19,000 toward this effort. Our appeal is for the balance, needed of about $16,000.

Won’t you join us?

Any additional funds raised, will be used to provide emergency food for especially needy families. Already, through the Outreach Foundation’s Covid-19 emergency appeal, $10,000 has been sent to provide food parcels and hygiene equipment to the most vulnerable in the camps.

There’s no question the coronavirus outbreak is an unprecedented public health challenge. But we cannot use this challenge to justify neglecting our call to be ambassadors for Christ…to give to the poor and feed the hungry and care for the “least of these” around the world.

And please pray for these brothers and sisters, dealing with added trauma and uncertainty, and longing for the comfort to be found in the Scriptures and the Truth of “Emanuel – God with us!”

You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office. Make sure to include the designation, “Nuer Bibles.”