COVID-19 Appeal Brazil

The Outreach Foundation is in regular contact with partners around the world, many of whom are sharing with us the upheaval that they are experiencing as the COVID-19 virus and the response to it burdens their ministries of medical outreach and compassionate service. We recently received the following COVID Appeal update from our partners in Brazil: 

Friends and partners, I hope that everyone is well in the midst of the pandemic year. This year was a year of great challenges around the world. It was no different in Brazil. Since the end of March, when COVID-19 started killing people everywhere, churches have interrupted their face-to-face services, avoiding crowds and by order of the government maintaining social distance. Here in Brazil, many local communities have not yet returned with their regular face-to-face services. And others who have returned are suffering from low attendance because many are afraid of being infected. Sadly, the number of people infected with COVID-19 here in Brazil has increased again and people are in a panic. This situation causes uncertainty, and many pastors have no idea what the situation will be like for their churches next year.

However, the Church of Christ remained active, present everywhere to bring the gospel to people by bringing peace to the brokenhearted. Some pastors and many church members lost their lives because of the virus. The church came together to meet the needs of those who were victims of the pandemic, who lost their jobs and suffered the consequences. 

The Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil, our partner for more than thirty years, has shown itself to be generous, alive, and present in the community, working with the Presbyteries to preach the gospel by showing love for others. During these months: 

·         Many families were helped financially by receiving food baskets.

·         The Bethel - Mão Amiga Project distributed about three thousand masks and about 100 food baskets per month to the residents of the northern part of Brazil.

·         A blanket donation campaign was carried out through the social office. More than 50 blankets were collected and delivered to needy families.

·         200 packages with Bibles and food were also delivered to needy children.

  ·         The IPIB is providing free medical, psychological, and legal guidance through a group of volunteer professionals for the entire community.

·         The All Together in Mission project has raised financial resources to provide emergency assistance to pastors and missionaries who are experiencing financial difficulties due to the increase in unemployment that has affected members of local churches, affecting the collection and, consequently, pastoral support. 

In addition to brothers and sisters in Brazil, gifts for the COVID Appeal have helped hurting people in Lebanon, Syria, South Sudan, Egypt, Zambia, Costa Rica, Rwanda, Turkey, Kenya and Iraq. Thank you for your faithfulness in giving and for your prayers for God’s people in the world.

The Outreach Foundation

The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the COVID-19 Emergency Appeal. You may make a gift HERE or by sending a check to our office.