Baryé Fè High School - September 2018 Update


Haiti Outreach Ministries

Dear friends,

In a time in Haiti where only 5% of the children who start school will be able to earn their high school diplomas, we are pleased to announce a 99% passing rate for this past school year with 100% of our 9th graders passing the National Exam.

For the 2018-2019 school year, we will be adding 180 Pre-K students to our primary roster and welcoming 80 students who graduated from the 6th grade at Cite Soleil and Terre Noire to the 7th grade at Baryé Fè. A total of 228 students are expected to attend Baryé Fè this year. The projected completion of the second secondary building will allow for the accommodation of 10th grade students.

Haiti Outreach Ministries and Mission Communautaire de l’Eglise Chretienne des Cites (MICECC) would like to invite you to join us as we press on towards our goal of expanding our secondary school campus. The completion of the second building phase will require $610,000. Due to your very generous donations, we have raised $580,000 and are only $30,000 short of reaching this phase’s monetary goal! For students who must currently travel to schools outside their communities, the higher costs of schooling and transportation lead to astounding drop-out rates at the secondary level. Supporting HOM's building campaign will allow for students to continue their education at an exceptional Christ-centered and academically strong school in their own community, eliminating many of these obstacles.

Please continue to pray for all of the students enrolled in the Haiti Outreach Ministries/MICECC program. Through your prayers and support, the possibilities of success for these students are endless.


Dawn Walker
Sponsorship Director Haiti Outreach Ministries

Read more about Baryé Fè High School HERE.

The Outreach Foundation is seeking $50,000 for ongoing work on the Baryé Fè High School – $30,000 to complete expansion of the secondary school campus and $20,000 for scholarships.