Tumaini Children's Ministry - February 2017 Update

Nyeri, Kenya

Mercy and the Kenya Methodist University finance director

Mercy and the Kenya Methodist University finance director

Dear friends and Tumaini partners,

Thank you to all of you who pray for our children at Tumaini. God answered your prayers and has blessed us with success. The Tumaini children are blossoming and doing well in school. We are so excited to report their progress.

Due to their outstanding performances, some of the children have earned university scholarships and others have received high school sponsorships from local sponsors. 

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine,  you did for me.” Matthew 25:40

Mercy is a Tumaini  child who was awarded a full university scholarship by Kenya Methodist University due to her great performance in the table tennis championships in Rwanda. Mercy is now the captain of the table tennis team at the university and a great performer in class, too. 

Three Tumaini children have been accepted and started the e-learning classes, which are online courses in partnership with the Presbyterian University of East Africa and Kenya Methodist University. These children are Charles Kimani, Michael Kimani, and Joseph Njagi, pictured below. 

A group of IT students from Kenya Methodist University recently volunteered to maintain and service the e-learning computers at Tumaini before classes resume. We are grateful for their efforts.  The students in this ministry fully benefit from this program.

Hannah Gathoni

Hannah Gathoni

Hannah Gathoni received the Equity Bank Wings to Fly scholarship that provides comprehensive scholarships to academically gifted, yet disadvantaged, poor children for their education in Kenya. She completed her high school education with a B+. Hannah’s dream of becoming a doctor has just begun. She has already been given a nickname by teachers and other students of “Dr. Hannah”! She will be enrolling in one of the best public universities soon. 

Dennis, another Tumaini student, worked very hard in his final year in high school and passed with a B. He will also be attending a public university soon. 

Primary Education     
Samson won the Equity Bank Wings to Fly scholarship for three years for his achievements in primary education for the entire country. As high school is quite expensive in Kenya, these Wings to Fly awards are highly competitive. It is encouraging to see our Tumaini children gaining access to these scholarships. It is also encouraging to see Tumaini children now being placed in excellent high schools such as Mathaithi Girls’ High School, Muruguru Girls’ High, Pangani Girls’ National School, Endarasha Boys’ High School,  etc.

Jeremiah 29:11 says it really well: “God has a plan for each one of these children and you are in this plan. Your love and care is visible in the eyes of these children.” We say “thank you” on their behalf. Your generosity is bearing so much fruit, no matter how many challenges these children face. Again thank you for being the hands and feet of our Lord in caring for the least of these.

On behalf of the children at Tumaini and Huruma homes,

Ebralie Mwizerwa    
The Outreach Foundation

Read more about Tumaini Children's Ministry by clicking HERE.

Gifts of $360 or more per month totaling $80,000/year, $2,200 per scholarship for e-learning and an additional $20,000 for the vocational training center.