Rwanda Church Construction - October 2016 Update

Equipping the Global Church

With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all 34 that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales 35 and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need.
Acts 4:33-35

The Presbyterian Church in Rwanda (EPR), with over 300,000 members, was introduced in 1907 by Protestants from the German Bethel mission in what is known today as Zinga Presbytery. From the very beginning, the evangelistic work was done by Rwandans who accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ. The church is growing by leaps and bounds, more than any other time in history. More churches are being planted in many parts of the country.

After the genocide, much emphasis has been placed on reconstruction and expanding the church’s impact to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of Rwandans. There is a huge need for sanctuaries that are also multipurpose halls for various community interests such as schools and other gatherings. As in all places in Africa, congregation members have tried to provide land, stones and bricks as well as labor for their new sanctuaries. Problems arise in completing the roof, doors, and windows, which require more financial resources. Rain has destroyed several of their attempts, but they are not discouraged. These roofs help protect the structures, but as long as there are no doors and windows it may be destroyed by strong wind and heavy rain. We continue to invite you to prayerfully consider helping the church in Rwanda to roof and close their sanctuaries.

Over the last several years, in partnership with Presbyterians in the U.S., Outreach helped the church in Rwanda complete three new sanctuaries –Kanombe, Busanza and Shyorongi – and put roofs on seven rural churches – Karangara, Rukamiro, Gatare, Rukira, Musaza, Karwihura and Murwa. All of these are multipurpose buildings serving the community during the week.

Since its inception, the church has also focused on the well-being of communities and has put in place schools to educate Rwandan children, equipping them with knowledge and skills for better jobs. Recently, Outreach and U.S partners helped build and dedicate a vocational training center in the Busanza community in Kigali Presbytery. Their first sewing class with more than 30 women has started. The beauty salon will also start soon. Skill training for job creation is attractive to many low income families who are looking at ways to increase their revenues for the future of their children. 

We always say: “Educate a child, transform the world.” More importantly, educating girls and women has proved to be an effective tool toward economic growth and self-reliance for communities around the world and it is even more visible in Rwanda today. 

While we are celebrating these milestones, there are many more Christians with no sanctuaries yet. There are also several sanctuaries across the country with no roof, doors or windows. In 2017, Outreach and partners are doing what they can to provide funds for church roofs and pews for at least one sanctuary in each presbytery. The plan is to also help the church build one new sanctuary. Your gift to the Rwandan church is already bearing fruit. We will keep you updated on the progress. 

On behalf of the Presbyterian Church of Rwanda, we thank you and pray blessings over you, your families and congregations. We are grateful for your partnership with us in proclaiming the good news of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Ebralie Mwizerwa     
Projects Coordinator    
The Outreach Foundation

Read more about Rwanda Church Construction by clicking HERE.

$30,000 for new church buildings and an additional $20,000 for roofing, doors and windows on unfinished structures