Ethiopia #1: Healing the Wounds of Trauma

by Frank Dimmock

Yesterday was a busy but exciting day. Navigating Nairobi traffic, I was able to pay the printer and collect 200 copies of the Healing the Wounds of Trauma curriculum which has been translated into Nuer! Nuer is the heart language of the South Sudanese with whom The Outreach Foundation is working. I flew on to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with my precious cargo of books and will be going to Gambella at 5:30 a.m. tomorrow, where the Nuer refugees from South Sudan are encamped. We will be getting updates about the trauma healing work and the education programs in each of the six camps. I am excited to see what progress has been made since June – and they are very excited to receive the training materials in their own language!

I am attaching a photo of the printer in Nairobi where the books were printed. I brought 50 with me to distribute in Ethiopia. There are another 50 that will be used next week in the refugee camp at Kakuma, Kenya. 50 are reserved for the refugees who are in Nairobi. 40 will be sent to South Sudan and I will bring 10 back to share with the South Sudanese-American community, who were so helpful in making this translation and the audio translation possible.

Stay tuned for more news from Gambella and my visit there.

Blessings to all in Christ,