Ethiopia: Day Three - Addis

Dr. Thomas Doguande

by Frank Dimmock

The day began at the airport where the prayers of many were answered with the arrival of the missing suitcase. Thank you all and praise God. From there I went to collect the electronic keyboard for one of the camps that was being repaired in the market (eye-opening experience). 

During the few days here, I have met some amazing people. One of them is Dr. Thomas Doguande, a South Sudan medical doctor who is halfway through a residency training in Obstetrics here in Addis. His tuition is paid by the Ethiopian government and his living costs are supposed to be covered by the government of South Sudan. But…

Thomas has been living at the church guesthouse where his rent is paid by a missionary and he survives on donations for his food and other living expenses. His hospital work is nearby and he is highly recommended by his professor. He is single, though his siblings are in a refugee camp in Uganda. He is committed to working in South Sudan when he completes his training. His monthly costs are between $175 and $200. Please consider how we can enable Thomas to complete his training and return to provide a critical health service to women in South Sudan.

Tomorrow we leave for Gambella and begin the trauma healing training. Please pray with us for God’s guidance and successful trainings with participants from each of the six refugee camps.

From this morning’s devotion: “God’s foot first”  from Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV), “The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”  Amen

Frank Dimmock
Africa Mission Specialist