Ghana #2: Reflections on the First Day

Reflection by Rev. Fabio Quintanilha, Pastor at Thomaz Coelho Presbyterian Church in Rio de Janeiro

More than that, I regard everything as loss because of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things, and I regard them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ (Philippians 3:8)

What does Jesus mean to me? This question cannot be answered from a theological concept, but from a relationship. Attending a youth service today in Ghana made me think of Paul's words. To the Ghanaians, Jesus is pure joy! The passion in each gesture made me think of how passionate Jesus is! It is possible to have everything and not have the joy of those young people. The joy of Jesus has nothing to do with what we have, but to know who he is for us. It is possible to have that joy and I want to have that joy!

Reflection by Rev. Lucas Borba, Associate Pastor at First Presbyterian Church Presidente Prudente

During the morning of our first day in Tamale we participated in a meeting of the Northern and Upper Presbyteries. It was a precious time to meet the African pastors who were very receptive, so I had the opportunity to exchange several experiences with them! We had a very tasty lunch with them, a delicious spicy food that I particularly like very much.

In the evening we participated in a youth service that gathered people from different churches in the city. What a joy to participate in such a lively celebration. My eyes filled with tears as I saw those young people worshiping Jesus in their simple and joyful way.

We led a moment of praise during the service, an unforgettable moment where each one sang in their tongue and we all felt the movement of the Holy Spirit!