Thursday in Mozambique: A New Well for Chikoti

We were enthusiastically greeted by the Chikoti church, and welcomed by their lead elder.

After a more than four hour drive over a mountain last night, and then one hour more this morning, we crossed the Malawi border into Mozambique.  Soon after that we arrived at the Chikoti church. There we were greeted by a host of brothers and sisters in Christ who welcomed us with singing, dancing and ululating (traditional wordless shrills).

Together we celebrated their new wells.  One hand-drilled well has been completed at the church and another a little farther away is nearly completed.  The head elder, the village chief and the women's leaders all expressed exuberant thanks for this gift from God through The Outreach Foundation.  Isaac, the leader of the drilling team, said, "You are not just giving water, but in essence you are providing the living water."

When Rev. Bob Jacobs of Rapid City SD asked how we might pray for them, they asked that we pray for the progress of the church that it might grow and more would come to Christ.

Last night's devotion was about people of faith mutually encouraging each other and today we found that it was so.  We encouraged these brothers and sisters by our coming and they encouraged us by their expressions of faith and love. Waving "Ta Ta" as we left, we were sad to say good bye to these precious brothers and sisters.

From the Team, Thanks be to God!

Celebrating one of the two new wells at the Chikoti church.

2014 Moz team