Day 7: Nanjing

October 23, 2012 Dear supporters,

As our time in China draws nearer to conclusion we are all heartened and strengthened by the work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in this land, especially as we have seen it through the churches, councils, Bible colleges, University professors, and seminaries we have visited. The attached update focuses on our final day in Nanjing, which was a mix of official work and cultural learning. Thanks to Kathy Badgley and Judi Wheeler for providing this update.  Click on the link here to read it:  Nanjing-Day7

By way of update, Susan Boone, who, as planned, remained in Hangzhou with friends and former students she had mentored, has been teaching classes and grading papers and is recovering from her fall nicely. Thanks to each of you for your prayers on her behalf. She will leave for home on Friday.

In His service Tom Boone (on behalf of the team)
