Amagara House Children's Home

Dear Friends,

This message is for the saints... the people who sponsor one or more children in the Juna Amagara programs. We from the ministry want to say thank you, thank you, and thank you again. If you have visited your sponsored child, you understand the joy and peace they have just knowing you love them enough to provide for their needs. For those who haven't visited, we can report that you are an important part of every sponsored child's life. They keep your photos. They treasure your letters. And even if you only hear from them once or twice a year, you are always in their prayers.

Sometimes, not often but sometimes, your sponsored child will act almost too much like a biological child. They will ask for stuff. If you receive a letter or email or Facebook message from your sponsored child asking for extra things - DVD player, clothing, money - please do not comply with these requests. Many people are surprised to receive them, as they should be. The ministry works to discourage them. Please do not let your big heart cause you to feel an obligation. The needs of every child in the program are being met with equality and fairness, and the kids are thriving. They do not need you to send extra stuff. We request that you respond to such requests with love and kindness with the conclusion being, "It is not possible for us to provide these things at this time."

Of course we knew when we started taking young children into the Juna Amagara program that they would grow into adults. Now that it's happening, we are a little surprised, much like parents who marvel as their own children reach adulthood. These children have definitely grown, and there are dozens more behind them. We are so proud of how these young people have progressed. We love hearing about their dreams, and we love watching their determination in making their dreams come true. For those of us who have been doing this work for more than eight years, we can certainly say these first trees are ready to bear fruit.

However, the world's financial crises continue. Our costs for food and fuel are growing dramatically, even faster than the kids are growing. God has provided well so far, and we trust he will continue with your help. May he bless you abundantly.

Yours joyfully,

Rev. Dr. Ben Tumuheirwe, Executive Director