Ethiopia Blog Seven: Monday

by Frank Dimmock

Today was a happy – sad – happy day as we presented certificates to the 19 participants in the first audio trauma healing training for refugees. The four-day training finished on Sunday evening and certificates were presented this morning – Happy.

All but two of them then departed back to their camps with notes and certificates to begin listening groups in their churches and communities. They are not "professional" counselors but are equipped with basic mental health knowledge about trauma and scripture to support their listening ministry. Trauma is universal in the camps and also with caregivers in clinics and relief organizations. There is great work to be done here. It was Sad to say good-byes to these wonderful and spirit-filled people who are excited to help with what they have learned.

This afternoon we welcomed a new group - Happy - of 26 people to the initial training for adults. Like the audio training, there were a good number of women (15) including pastors and elders from each camp. We completed the first lesson titled: “If God loves us, why do we suffer?” Tomorrow we will look more deeply at wounds of the heart, then grief. Thank you for your prayers for these people who clearly have a heart to help others. Together we are taking steps to rebuild hope for South Sudan.

Palms 34:18 - The Lord is near to those who are discouraged; he saves those who have lost all hope.

Frank Dimmock
Africa Mission Specialist