Christian Education for Presbyterian Children
in Rwanda

About Our Partner

The Presbyterian Church of Rwanda (EPR)

Families are the foundation of the church, and children are the future of the church and society. Engaging children in Sunday School gives them a place in the church and allows them to participate in the life of the church. They are organized into choirs and are accompanied by the elders and pastors. The Presbyterian Church of Rwanda (EPR) seeks to train additional teachers and provide teaching materials in order to encourage these children to learn about their faith and study in their own language.

The Impact

Funds raised through this project will help the EPR train more Sunday School teachers, provide additional teaching materials, and help churches construct classrooms for the children.


The Outreach Foundation is seeking gifts to support the mission and ministry of Christian Education for Presbyterian Children in Rwanda. All gifts of any size are welcomed to help provide teaching materials and training for Sunday School teachers, provide children’s Bibles, and create children’s classrooms.