Outreach's 40th Anniversary: Letters from Friends #4

To all the friends in the Outreach Foundation,

Greetings and much love.

As I was doing some searching, I came across some news, that you have been in service for about forty years. So, I decided to write and say, may there be several more forties of years of doing God's will.

I praise God for hands that reached out to many people around the world who are in need and provided help and healing.

For the many years of being acquainted, and befriended with this great Foundation through Marilyn, Julie, Mark, Nancy, and many other great Names..., I praise God for having honored me such friendships.

Thus, personally, and on behalf of the Near East School of Theology, the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon, and all the individual congregations in our countries, and the refugee children, I allow myself to express deep gratitude to all who work for, and support the ministry of the Outreach Foundation that has been God's agent to bring help, healing, and hope to so many! 


In Christ. Mary Mikhael